
Monday, August 22, 2011

Counseling 101

The truth is, this is not the title of our subject.But I find it appropriate since our learning is really basic. Not because we have a simple teacher, but because we have someone who understands. Her idea of making everyone feel so important means so much to all of us.

While it is supposedly a class, it turned out to be an experience of a lifetime. If a student missed the subject, that student should do everything, even move heaven and earth just to take the subject.

We rarely enjoy a subject as a class. No, its not that were uninterested with our other subjects, its just that this subject brings out something in us, while our teacher openly shares anything about everything.

Counseling as she said should not be making the counselor a messiah. Rather, it should be that the client as the problem solver. I am so thankful to know this, since I always decide for the client. Whenever one asks for counselling I tend to suggest and give my personal opinion. Through this subject I understood that its not about me, its all about the client.

Heavy burden are said to be tiresome just like in counseling, when a counselor  learns that the client is in a very impossible situation it requires great strength. With our teacher, we learned that strength should come from its source, God. While it is still not easy, a counselor learning of God's power is now ready for any seemingly impossible mission.

Our teacher also instructed us not to be attached with the client or else we will never be effective. Personal attachment is a ground for one not to be a client. Your observation may be bias thus making the situation not acceptable for both the client and the counselor.

I don't have holes onto my blouse. Funny, no. Our teacher is telling us that she doesn't have honors from her scholastic years. She was not presented with medals or even pins, to have its mark on her shirt. She shares her inadequacies not for us to reproach her, but that we may know that life is not all about achievements as recognized by the world. She always claim her Father's love. God whom she considers as her Dad, is so clear  to her that she doesn't run after the worlds approval.

We are thankful she is our teacher. And forever she will be part of our praise to her Father, The Almighty.  


  1. May you continue to share your spiritual journey about "Missionary Training", for others to have an idea regarding the real meaning of the word "MISSION". God Bless You! :)

  2. It is my honor to impart whatever little knowledge and skills that I am endowed with,I consider it a blessing to be able to share it with others, and not for me to keep and boast. It must be used as a tool to bring people closer and more intimate with the Lord.
    I may not be the best, but in the eyes of my heavenly Father he knew that he created me to be the best.
    Thank you very much to all of you for the holes in my heart, because each hole represents each one of you,surely we will continue to love one another.
    Remember to uphold the Lord and always be a blessing to one and to many.

  3. Mam Ali, thanks so much for taking time to read of my journey. We are forever grateful in having you as our teacher, friend and sister. God bless!
